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About WV 4-H All Stars.

The 4-H All Star organization was formed in 1919 to recognize those 4-Her's who give outstanding and dedicated service to others.  Today, the 4-H All Star program is an honorary organization for veteran 4-H members and leaders who have an impressive record of achievement and service.  Although several states now have All Star organizations, West Virginia is proud to be the Alpha Chapter of this distinguished group. 

SERVICE is a daily responsibility of the 4-H All Star.  Each member is expected to uphold the ideals of the 4-H tradition and help make these ideals a reality in our everyday world. 

A five-pointed red star is the emblem of the organization, with the points of the star representing Beauty, Fortitude, Service, Truth, and Love.


The purpose of the West Virginia 4-H All-Stars is to serve the youth participating in the 4-H program in West Virginia by:

  • Providing leadership, time, energy, resources and ideas.

  • Encouraging initiative and furnishing inspiration and guidance.

  • Recognizing 4-H members, leaders, Extension agents and friends of 4-H who have and/or are contributing exemplary service to the West Virginia 4-H Program.


Membership in the West Virginia 4-H All Stars shall be open to 4-H members, volunteer 4-H leaders, Extension personnel, and other qualified persons who are participating in and who have contributed outstanding service to the 4-H program in accordance with West Virginia University, State, and Federal guidelines.  Members are selected through a nomination process each spring.  Please see the Constitution & Bylaws under the Resources section of the website for more information on the membership nomination and selection process.

  • Individuals seeking to transfer into the West Virginia 4-H All Stars from another state must notify the organization and pay life member dues. Proof of prior induction, such as a membership card or ceremony program, is required.

    Eligible transfers may come from past or present All Star chapters in the following states:

    • Maryland (1921)

    • Virginia (1922)

    • Rhode Island (1928)

    • Massachusetts (1929)

    • Tennessee (1948)

    • Mississippi (1950)

    • New Hampshire (1954)

    Currently, only West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland have active chapters. Tennessee maintains an All Star membership but is no longer part of the Interstate organization. While New England chapters have been inactive for years, transfers are still be possible.

About West Virginia 4-H

Do you know someone ages 5-8 (for Cloverbuds) or 9-21 (for 4-H members) would like to participate in West Virginia 4-H programs including Agriculture; Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM); Creative & Expressive Arts; Healthy Living; Civic Engagement; 4-H Camping; and many more? If so, please contact your local WVU Extension Office or follow the links below to learn how to get involved in the West Virginia 4-H Program.


Contact Your Local WVU Extension Office

From science-based learning to historical lessons, 4-H cultivates tomorrow's leaders and offers comprehensive growth for the whole family.


About 4-H

4‑H’s reach and depth is unmatched. Through our community of 100 public universities, 4‑H reaches kids in every corner of America.